Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

Rehmanniae radix preparat and ribs stew

Rehmanniae radix preparat and ribs stew

It is good for every weakness. It strengthens the body and makes kidneys’virility strong which fills the bone marrows. Therefore it is good for the aged and for people who have weak blood.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 35.27oz of beef ribs, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1.06oz of celery
Medicinal ingredients : 0.71oz of rehmanniae radix preparat, 3.53oz of dioscorea japonica, 10 jujubes
Dressing sauce : 1/2 cup of neatly aged soy sauce, 1 big spoon of cut garlic, 1 small spoon of ginger liquid,
2 big spoons of onion liquid, 6 big spoons of water, 1 big spoon of sesame oil, 1/2 small spoon of pepper.

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. Put the prepared ingredients into the inner pot, and pour the dressing sauce on it.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional Stew> in the menu, and start the <start> button.

Note !
* The ribs are handled in advance to remove oil and are soaked into water to remove the blood. Then it is boiled in water for 1-2 minutes to serve cleanly.
* If plain taste is wanted leave it in the dressing sauce for 1 day, then put all ingredients into the germium pottery, choose <nutritional stew> and cook.

Tip :
It is reported in Bonchokangmok that Sukjihwang can fill the marrow, enlarge one’s muscle, clear the blood, go through the blood, brighten the eyes and ears and blacken beard and hair.
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