Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

Kelp Yeon power rib soup

Kelp Yeon power rib soup

It is suitable for people suffering from osteoporosis and weak bones. It strengthens the heart and stabilizes the mind and spleen, stops the diarrhea. It is good for people with high blood pressure, people having a lot of neutral fat in the blood, and for modern adult diseases.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 10.58oz of beef ribs, 0.71oz of kelp(skinny), 2.82oz of carrot, 2 gingers, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1600cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 1.76oz of Yeon power, 5 jujubes, 0.71oz of Borkshin, 0.35oz of Chinese matrimony vine

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
* The ribs are soaked into cold water for 2~3 hours and after removing the blood, boil it again for 5 minutes to remove the oil. Then clean it to serve.
* Depending on the symbols, salt or pepper can be added.

Tip :
Help is helpful for cancer patients and is efficient for goiter, lymph tuberculosis, Testis pain, and is suitable for high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, glycosuria, obesity. It is good for chronic bronchitis, night blindness and iron poisoning of workers.
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