Vitality porridge of great value

The ginseng is good for the lungs and protects the spleen. It strengthens the heart and stabilizes the mind to help mental capacity and produce resin.

Acanthopanax senticossus chicken porridge

It eliminates the phlegm and asthma caused by weak lungs and spleen, and is helpful for loss of appetite.

Pine nut and jujube porridge

It is good for dry feces and constipation and for people who have adiponectin. It prevents aging and makes skin look glossy.

Sea cucumber Soup

It strengthens the body and the kidneys, it protects the lifeblood and controls the period of women. So it is very helpful for a fetus to grow, and prevents the aging.

Samulchogyu soup

It has the efficacy of protecting the blood, and is hepful for women with pale faces, who lack blood and has anemia, especially women who have a weak body, no energy, and pain on the underbelly.

Gwibe chicken soup

It is good for weak people that suffer from insomnia, for people having hearts palpitating excessively, dreaming too much, and feeling insecure.

Chinese matrimony vine ginseng eel soup

It brings energy and enhances the blood to bring an active metabolism and a clean skin. It has a high nutritive value, which helps weak children grow, and strengthen their kidney functions, and prevents frequent sickness.

Herb foods for children - Chong Myeong soup

It is the herb food that stabilizes the children’s mind, and has the efficacy of augmenting the brain development by increasing brain memory. It is also used to prevent dementia of the aged.

Herb foods for children - Usam soup

It is the herb food that enhances energy and strengthens bones and sinews, which is good for weak people suffering from illness for a long time.

Herb foods for children - Hwang Jung Pork Soup

It is efficient for children who are skinny, has consumptive fever, coughs often, has dry skin and has often thirst. It strengthens the spleen and the stomach and enhances the kidneys. It also fills energy and prevents aging, which are good for the aged too.

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 1, 2014

5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked

You’d be forgiven if you thought that raw is always healthier than cooked. For many fruits and vegetables that’s certainly the case, but it’s not always the case. Cooking some vegetables actually breaks down their tough cellular structure and makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients. Of course, by cooking we mean cooking them the right way. 

Read on to discover some of the vegetables that are healthier cooked.

#1 Spinach
5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked
Cooking spinach boosts your body’s ability to absorb all of the fantastic nutrients this leafy green is loaded with, like calcium, iron, magnesium, lutein and antioxidants like beta-carotene. The amount of calcium, for example, actually triples when you cook spinach.

#2 Kale
5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked
Raw kale is harder on your digestive system than the cooked stuff. But it’s also less nutritious; cooking kale increases its levels of vitamins A, and K, as well as  fiber.

#3 Mushrooms
5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked
Cooking mushrooms isn’t just the healthier option, it’s also the safer option. There are several types of mushrooms that are only safe to eat cooked, and even the ones more commonly served raw, like button mushrooms, are hard on your digestion. Mushrooms have very tough cellular structures, so cooking really does wonders on drawing out their nutrients, making them more digestible, and killing any toxins they may contain.

# 4 Tomatoes
5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked
Cooking tomatoes boosts the amount of  lycopene that is released into the body. Raw tomatoes, on the other hand, only release about 4% of this antioxidant that has been linked to lower rates of heart disease and cancer.

#5 Carrots
5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked
Carrots might not help you see in the dark, but they will help improve your vision thanks to high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that youe body converts into vitamin A. Raw carrots - and the beta-carotene they contain - are somewhat difficult for our bodies to digest. But cooking breaks down the tough veggie and, in turn, boosts their nutritional value.
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