Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

Eel garlic soup herb

Eel garlic soup herb

It is efficient to weak people of poor nutrition due to its abundant nutrition. Especially for people having consumptive fever due to weak lungs, pulmonary tuberculosis, lymph tuberculosis it is helpful and cures anemia and beriberi. It is efficient for people having weak arms and legs.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 35.27oz of eel, 10.58oz of dried radish leaves, 5.29oz of host, 7.05oz of whole garlic bulb, 2 stems of big spring onion, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1200cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.35oz of gastrodia elata, 0.18oz of Chinese matrimony vine

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
Depending on the symbols the when eels are cooked the body goes away, so put them into cloth wrappers and squeeze them to take out the liquids. Then take them with salt to serve.

Tip :
There are records in <Ilhwajaboncho> saying that eels have cured pulmonary tuberculosis and Meng from T’ang dynasty said“It cures various tumors and lymph tuberculosis.”If combined with spring onion, pepper, Korean leek it improves the kidneys and strengthens the body.
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