Vitality porridge of great value

The ginseng is good for the lungs and protects the spleen. It strengthens the heart and stabilizes the mind to help mental capacity and produce resin.

Acanthopanax senticossus chicken porridge

It eliminates the phlegm and asthma caused by weak lungs and spleen, and is helpful for loss of appetite.

Pine nut and jujube porridge

It is good for dry feces and constipation and for people who have adiponectin. It prevents aging and makes skin look glossy.

Sea cucumber Soup

It strengthens the body and the kidneys, it protects the lifeblood and controls the period of women. So it is very helpful for a fetus to grow, and prevents the aging.

Samulchogyu soup

It has the efficacy of protecting the blood, and is hepful for women with pale faces, who lack blood and has anemia, especially women who have a weak body, no energy, and pain on the underbelly.

Gwibe chicken soup

It is good for weak people that suffer from insomnia, for people having hearts palpitating excessively, dreaming too much, and feeling insecure.

Chinese matrimony vine ginseng eel soup

It brings energy and enhances the blood to bring an active metabolism and a clean skin. It has a high nutritive value, which helps weak children grow, and strengthen their kidney functions, and prevents frequent sickness.

Herb foods for children - Chong Myeong soup

It is the herb food that stabilizes the children’s mind, and has the efficacy of augmenting the brain development by increasing brain memory. It is also used to prevent dementia of the aged.

Herb foods for children - Usam soup

It is the herb food that enhances energy and strengthens bones and sinews, which is good for weak people suffering from illness for a long time.

Herb foods for children - Hwang Jung Pork Soup

It is efficient for children who are skinny, has consumptive fever, coughs often, has dry skin and has often thirst. It strengthens the spleen and the stomach and enhances the kidneys. It also fills energy and prevents aging, which are good for the aged too.

Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 9, 2013

Steamed mushroom pine nuts chicken

Steamed mushroom pine nuts chicken

It activates the metabolism, it has a high nutritive value that helps children’s growth and brain development, helps digestion troubles and increases the immunocompetence.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 1 chicken, 1.76oz of nonglutinous rice, 1.76oz of glutinous rice (each soaked into water), 0.53oz of pine nuts, 1 pack of flammulina velotipes, 2 pak chois, 5 jujubes, 0.71oz of ginger, 0.71oz of big spring onions, a little bit of salt, 500cc of water.

Medicinal ingredients : 0.35oz of walnuts, 0.53oz of pyogo

Methods of cooking:
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. Put into the stomach of the chicken nonglutinous rice, glutinous rice, pine nuts, jujube and walnuts. Then tie it.
3. Put chicken into the inner pot, and and pour water on it.
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional Stew> in the menu, and start the <start> button.

Depending on the symbols, salt or pepper can be added.

Pine nuts are a health food that prevents the aging and enriches the skin. It is appropriate for people who have dry feces, constipation, chronic bronchitis for a long time which provokes frequent coughing, and heart & blood vessel disease.
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Morki steamed short ribs

Morki steamed short ribs

It has nutrition effects, strengthens the lungs, stops the coughing, and makes the stomach comfortable. It also has the effects of stopping the bleeding, antibiotic effects and blood nourishing effects. It strengthens the body and is efficient for children who have lack of energy and weak lungs causing cough often. It also has efficacy on bleeding symptoms.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 35.27oz of beef, 0.21oz of tremella fuciformis mushrooms(dried) •Black morki mushroom, 1.76oz of burdock, 1 onion, 1 carrot, red pepper and green pepper 2 each, 1/2 of a cucumber, 2 big spoons of groundnut powder.

Medicinal ingredients : 0.18oz of Chinese matrimony vine

Dressing sauce : 6 big spoons of soy sauce, 1 big spoon of cut garlic, 1 small spoon of ginger liquid, 2 big spoons of onion liquid, 2 big spoons of starch syrup, 1/2 small spoon of pepper, 1 small spoon of maesilchung, 1 small spoon of sesame oil, 1 cup of pear juice.

Methods of cooking:
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional Stew> in the menu, and start the <start> button.

The ribs are handled in advance and put into water to remove blood. If a plain taste is wanted, put the ribs into the water again after removing the blood out, and leave it for 1-2 minutes in the boiling water. Then take it out and clean it for use.

According to modern research, the tremella fuciformis mushrooms have the efficacy of preventing the blood coagulation of the blood platelet, which cures arteriosclerosis and cerebral infarction. Also the polysaccharide in the tremella fuciformis mushrooms has antibiotic properties of decomposition. It also has immunocompetence and is effective for cosmetic treatments, diets and prevention of aging.
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Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 9, 2013

Nutritional steamed short ribs

Nutritional steamed short ribs
It helps children’s growth and brain development, augments immunocompetence. Therefore it is suitable for children who do not eat often, have diarrhea and do not grow up. It is also suitable for people who have weak body for their lack of energy, and for weak people suffering from illness for a long time.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 35.27oz of beef ribs, 1 carrot, 1/4 of radish, 1.06oz of dry mushrooms
Medicinal ingredients : 0.18oz of Chinese matrimony vine, 0.71oz of Yeon power, 0.71oz of walnut, Nutritional steamed ikgi soup (0.71oz of milk vetch, 0.21oz of adenophora triphylla, 0.21oz of angelica gigas nakai, 0.35oz of Poria cocos Wolf, 0.18oz of dried orange peel, 0.35oz of arrowroot roots, 0.11oz of cimicifuga heracleifolia, 6 jujubes, 1 big spoon of sugar
Dressing sauce : 1/2 cup of soy sauce, 2 big spoons of cooking wine, 1 big spoon of cut garlic, 1 big spoon of ginger liquid, 1 big spoon of onion liquid, 1 cup of pear juice, 1/2 of small spoon of pepper, 1 big spoon of sesame oil, 2 big spoons of starch syrup, 1 big spoon of sugar

Methods of cooking:
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The Nutritional steamed ikgi stew ingredients are put in into the hemp cloth bag.
3. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional Stew> in the menu, and start the <start> button.

Handle the beef in advance, remove the oil and put it into water to remove blood out. Boil it for 1-2 minutes, take it out and wash it clean to use.
If a plain taste is wanted, boil Nutritional steamed ikgi stew and make medicinal juice(approx. 1/2 cup) and leave it for one day along with the dressing sauce. Then put all the ingredients into the germanium pottery, choose Nutritional stew and cook.

Combine beef with the famous Nutritional steamed ikgi stew on the traditional oriental medicine to make it a herb food, which helps short children grow. Combine it with walnuts or pine nuts to make for the brain development.
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