Vitality porridge of great value

The ginseng is good for the lungs and protects the spleen. It strengthens the heart and stabilizes the mind to help mental capacity and produce resin.

Acanthopanax senticossus chicken porridge

It eliminates the phlegm and asthma caused by weak lungs and spleen, and is helpful for loss of appetite.

Pine nut and jujube porridge

It is good for dry feces and constipation and for people who have adiponectin. It prevents aging and makes skin look glossy.

Sea cucumber Soup

It strengthens the body and the kidneys, it protects the lifeblood and controls the period of women. So it is very helpful for a fetus to grow, and prevents the aging.

Samulchogyu soup

It has the efficacy of protecting the blood, and is hepful for women with pale faces, who lack blood and has anemia, especially women who have a weak body, no energy, and pain on the underbelly.

Gwibe chicken soup

It is good for weak people that suffer from insomnia, for people having hearts palpitating excessively, dreaming too much, and feeling insecure.

Chinese matrimony vine ginseng eel soup

It brings energy and enhances the blood to bring an active metabolism and a clean skin. It has a high nutritive value, which helps weak children grow, and strengthen their kidney functions, and prevents frequent sickness.

Herb foods for children - Chong Myeong soup

It is the herb food that stabilizes the children’s mind, and has the efficacy of augmenting the brain development by increasing brain memory. It is also used to prevent dementia of the aged.

Herb foods for children - Usam soup

It is the herb food that enhances energy and strengthens bones and sinews, which is good for weak people suffering from illness for a long time.

Herb foods for children - Hwang Jung Pork Soup

It is efficient for children who are skinny, has consumptive fever, coughs often, has dry skin and has often thirst. It strengthens the spleen and the stomach and enhances the kidneys. It also fills energy and prevents aging, which are good for the aged too.

Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 10, 2013

Sweet potato porridge

 Sweet potato porridge

It is helpful for vitamin deficiency disease, night blindness, poor nutrition and weak spleen. It is also efficient for senial constipation, chronic nephropathy, Seupyeolhwangdal, cancer and heart blood vessel disorder.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 7.05oz of raw rice, 3.53oz of sweet potato, 2 bananas, a little bit of sugar or salt, 1800cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 1.76oz of walnut

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4 Choose the menu <nutritional porridge> and press the <start> button.

Note !
* The raw rice does not need to be soaked into water and is put into with all the other ingredients.
* Depending on the symbols, salt or sugar can be added.

Tip :
Sweet potatoes promote defecation and stops the generation of cancer in small intestines. It has the nickname of“intestines and stomach cleaner”. According to the modern research the sweet potatoes raise immunocompetence and prevent fatigue, promote the discharge of cholesterol and prevent the deposition of fat in the heart blood vessels. Also it strengthens the arteries.
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Cauliflower sweet pumpkin porridge

Cauliflower sweet pumpkin porridge

It is suitable in hot days where the mouth is dry and thirsty. It is helpful when having problems of digestion, lack of appetite, and dry feces. For children it helps growth, immunocompetence, growth of tooth and skeletons. It is also efficient for cancer patients and the obese people, efficient for coughing stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 7.05oz of raw rice, 3.53oz of cauliflower, 3.53oz of sweet pumpkin, 2.82oz of potatoes, a little bit of sugar or salt, 1800cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 1.06oz of dioscorea batatas powder, 1.06oz of poria cocos Wolf powder, 1.06oz of pyogo powder

Methods of cooking :
1 All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose the menu <nutritional porridge> and press the <start> button.

Note !
* The raw rice does not need to be soaked into water and is put into with all the other ingredients.
* Broccoli can replace the cauliflower. Depending on the symbols, salt or sugar can be added.

Tip :
The cauliflower has low calories, which is good for obesity, and has a resistant antibiotic property which neutralizes the soy sauce’s poison. It prevents cold and scurvy, and in the modern medicine it is being used as antibiotics.
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Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 10, 2013

Solomon’s seal and Imjasoo soup

Solomon’s seal and Imjasoo soup

It helps dry coughing and dry mouth. It cures people with pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, silicosis. Also it is efficient to chronic gastritis and atrophy gastritis that make the stomach painful due to Wiim, It helps also the loss of appetite.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 1 chicken, 3.53oz of beef, 10 whole garlic bulbs, 1 stem of big spring onion, 1.06oz of ginger, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1800cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.42oz of Solomon’s seal, 1 ginseng root
Dressing : 2 big spoons of powdered sesame, 2 big spoons of powdered pine nuts

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
* The beef are knead with the meat dumpling
* Depending on the symbols salt or soy sauce can be added.

Tip :
The Solomon’s seal soup combined with ginseng doubles the efficacy. On《Bonchoshinpyeon》it says,“Solomon’s seal soup counterbalances the virility and need a nutritional ginseng for cosmic dual forces accord and have a greater efficacy. If ginseng gets Solomon’s soup it is more virile and if Solomon’s soup get ginseng it is more efficient.
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Cordyceps militaris terrapin soup

Cordyceps militaris terrapin soup

It has the efficiency of Counterbalance one´s female powers, which is good for weak, skinny people who have thirst. It is suitable for people who have heat in their bodies and people who get radiation treatments. It activates the kidneys and supplements semen making the bones strong. Therefore it is good for athletes who
use a lot of physical strength.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 1 terrapin, 1 onion, 1 carrot, pepper, ginger, 1 stem of big spring onion, a proper amount of salt, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1200cc of chicken meat stock
Medicinal ingredients : 0.18oz of cordyceps militaris, 1.06oz of phlomis umbrosa, 2 aucklandia lappa decne, 5 jujubes

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The phlomis umbrosa is put into the hemp cloth bag.
3. Put the prepared ingredients into the inner pot, and then pour the chicken meat stock.
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
Depending on the symbols put them into cloth wrappers and squeeze them to take out the liquids. Then take them with salt to serve.

Tip :
China’s famous supervisor Ma Jun In gave terrapin soup to the sportsmen and it worked on supplementing nutrition, recovery from fatigue and recovery physical stamina.
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Pork Bone soup

Pork Bone soup

It improves the lungs, spleen, kidneys and strengthens the muscles and bones by nutrition. It is good for weak people with chronic fatigue.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 21.16oz of pork bone, 2 potatoes, 3.53oz of dropwort, reg pepper and green pepper 2 each, 7.05oz of dried radish leaves, 3 stems of big spring onion, 1.76oz of sesame leaves, 1 onion, a little bit of natural seasoning,
1200cc of meat stock
Medicinal ingredients : 5.29oz of dioscorea japonica
Dressing sauce : 5 big spoons of powdered pepper, 2 big spoons of soup soy sauce, 2 big spoons of cut garlic, 1 small spoon of salt, 2 big spoons of ginger liquid, 1 small spoon of pepper

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2 Put the ingredients with the dressing sauce into the inner pot, and pour water on them.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
* The ribs are soaked into cold water for 2~3 hours and after removing the blood, boil it again for 5 minutes to remove the oil. Then clean it to serve.
* Depending on the symbols green perilla powder can be added

Tip :
Potatoes are good for people with weak spleen and stomach, have poor nutrition, and duodenal ulcer patients. It also helps breast cancer and rectal cancer, and is efficient on high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, obesity, nephritis, habitual constipation, etc.
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Dried radish leaves and shellfish soup

Dried radish leaves and shellfish soup

It is good for people who have consumptive fever and drink often. It is efficient on glycosuria, dry skin and dry mouths. It is also good to hyperlipidemia, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, dropsy and problems of urination.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 17.64oz of corb shell, 3.53oz of dried radish leaves, 1.06oz of Korean leek, 1 small spoon of ginger liquid, 1 big spoon of cut garlic, a little bit of salt and pepper, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1200cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 1 adonis amurensis, 0.35oz of lily

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
Depending on the symbols soy sauce or powdered pepper can be added.

Tip :
If combined with selfish, good foods are as follows
1. It is good for people who suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis and sweat when sleeping to take it with Korean leek.
2. It is good for people having glycosuria to take it with dioscorea batatas  
3. If combined with bean curd it is good for dry skin and lack of energy.
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Ginseng loach soup

Ginseng loach soup

It is good for people who have Yangwi, premature ejaculation, decline of virility due to weak spleen and kidneys, who have diarrhea often and lumbago. It is also good for people who have to urinate often, who have no energy on legs, who have diarrhea on daybreaks, who have to urinate at nights.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 17.64oz of loach, 1 stem of big spring onion, 3.53oz of Korean leek, 2 Poached cabbage leaves, 2 red peppers, 0.35oz of sesame leaf, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1800cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 2 ginseng roots, 0.35oz of epimedium koreanum nakai
Dressing sauce : 1 big spoon of powdered pepper, 3 big spoons of soybean paste, 2 big spoons of cut garlic, 1 small spoon of soy sauce, 2 big spoons of ginger liquid, 1 big spoon of zanthoxylum piperitum powder, 3 big spoons of green perilla powder

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. Put the epimedium koreanum nakai into the hemp cloth bag.
3. Put the ingredients with the dressing sauce into the inner pot, and pour water on them.
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
* If salt is sprinkled on living loaches, foam is formed and loaches die.
* When loaches die, mix it with the hands and clean out the impurities.

Tip :
According to < Sonyeokyung > “loaches have a type of Aphrodisiac food”good for weak men. Also it is helpful for people having humidity and heat accumulated due to drinking or intestine troubles working as a circulatory organ. The epimedium koreanum nakai protects the kidneys and strengthens the bones and sinews, removing the paralysis and humidity.
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Virility soup herbs

Virility soup herbs

It strengthens the bones and sinews, improves the blood circulation, heals wounds and raises the metabolism to be healthy. It has the efficiency of making the kidneys virile, strengthens vitality and is good for heart disease. It stabilizes the mind and drives fatigue away, suitable for people with cold bodies.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 7.05oz of cow’s tendons, 10.58oz of beef(abdomen), 10.58oz of potatoes, 10.58oz of carrots, 10.58oz of tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 gingers, 1 small spoon of salt, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1200cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 4 sea horses
Dressing sauce : 1 big spoon of soy sauce, 2 big spoons of nicely aged soy sauce, 1 small spoon of sugar, 1 big spoon of powdered pepper, 1 small spoon of cut garlic, 1 small spoon of cut spicy pepper, 1 small spoon of ginger liquid, 1/2 of small spoon of pepper, 1 small spoon of sesame

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
Depending on the symbols dressing sauce can be added

Tip :
Sea horses are good for people who have weak kidneys, people who urinate often and men whose sexual functions are declined. It is also for women who have cold uterus, and suffer from infertility and dystocia. It is helpful for people having internal injury.
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Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 10, 2013

Sea cucumber Soup

Sea cucumber Soup

It strengthens the body and the kidneys, it protects the lifeblood and controls the period of women. So it is very helpful for a fetus to grow, and prevents the aging. For weak people lacking energy, for women in childbed after childbirth, and for pregnant women it is suitable.Also it is good for the symptoms in men due to lack of virility.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 10.58oz of sea slug, 7.05oz of shrimps, 3.53oz of beef, 3.53oz of pyogo mushrooms, 2 big spoons of cut spring onion, 1 small spoon of ginger liquid, 1 big spoon of cut garlic, 1 big spoon of oyster sauce, a little bit of
natural seasoning, 1200cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.35oz of mulberry

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. Put the mulberry into the hemp cloth bag
3. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Tip :
According to the modern research sea cucumbers have low cholesterol and low fat content, which is very suitable for hyperlipidemia and angina pectoris, and it has the efficacy of controlling the blood pressure. It also has a strong reproductive function and the effect of stopping the bleeding, which helps the recovery of wounds after surgery.
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Samulchogyu soup

Samulchogyu soup

It has the efficacy of protecting the blood, and is hepful for women with pale faces, who lack blood and has anemia, especially women who have a weak body, no energy, and pain on the underbelly.

For 4 people) | food ingredients : 7.05oz of chicken breast, 2 pyogo mushrooms, 3 garlic, red pepper and green peper 2 each,
3 cabbage leaves, 1 steam of big spring onion, 1 carrot, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1800cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.28oz of angelica gigas Nakai, 0.28oz of paeonia lactiflora, 0.28oz of cnidium officinale, 0.28oz of rehmanniae radix preparat

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The medicinal ingredients are put into the hemp cloth bag
3. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
Depending on the symbols salt or soy sauce can be added.

Tip :
Samul soup is one of the main herb foods that act on the nourishing of blood, and is composed of rehmanniae radix preparat, angelica gigas Nakai, cnidium officinale and paeonia japonica. This Prevention is efficient for all symptoms caused by lack or bad circulation of blood for women.
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Gwibe chicken soup

Gwibe chicken soup

It is good for weak people that suffer from insomnia, for people having hearts palpitating excessively, dreaming too much, and feeling insecure. It is helpful for loss of memory, lack of energy, paled face, loss of appetite, and when the arms and legs are felt heavy. It strengthens the heart and spleens to stabilize the mind.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 1 chicken, 3.53oz of glutinous rice, 2 large spring onions, a little bit of salt and pepper, a little bit of natural seasoning, 1500cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.53oz of milk vetch, 1 root of ginseng, 0.35oz of atractylodes, 0.42oz of angelica gigas Nakai, 0.21oz of Gugamcho, 1.06oz of zizyphus jujube, 0.42oz of longan meat, 0.35oz of poria cocos wolf, 1 piece of ginger, 5 jujubes, 0.35oz of elecampane

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. Put the glutinous rice, ginseng, longan meat, poria cocos wolf, ginger and jujube into the chicken’s stomach, and the rest of the medicinal ingredients are put into the hemp cloth bag.
3. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
4 It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose <Nutritional soup> from the menu, and press the <start> button.

Note !
* Depending on the symbols pepper can be added.
* Take out the oil on the chicken as much as possible

Tip :
Gwibe chicken soup strengthens the energy and blood, the heart and the spleen to cure the excessive palpitation of heart, insomnia, cold
sweating, affluenza, loss of appetite. It is also famous for curing the irregular period and sterility of women.
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Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 10, 2013

Chestnuts porridge

Chestnuts porridge

It is good for children innate of weakness. It protects the kidneys and cures the neurasthenia, insomnia, anemia, etc that appear when the heart and spleen are weak. It is good for women whose heart palpitates often and for the aged with weak physical strength.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 7.05oz of glutinous rice, 10 chestnuts (grinded), 1.06oz of honey, a little bit of sugar or salt, 1600cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.71oz of longan meat

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
3. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
4. Choose the menu <nutritional porridge> and press the <start> button.

Note !
* The glutinous rice does not need to be soaked into water and are put into with all the other ingredients.
* Depending on the symbols, salt or sugar can be added.

Tip :
The glutinous rice does not need to be soaked into water and are put into with all the other ingredients. Depending on the symbols, salt or sugar can be added.
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Milk vetch Rhynchosia volubilis porridge

Milk vetch Rhynchosia volubilis porridge

It is suitable for children or adults with weak physical constitutions. It is good for dropsy and beriberi, and it is good for people who sleep sweating. It strengthens the spleen and it is good when used to children that urinate on their beds at nights.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 7.05oz of raw rice, 3.53oz of rhynchosia volubilis, a little bit of sugar or salt, 1800cc of water
Medicinal ingredients : 0.71oz of milk vetch, 0.71oz of pleuropterus multflorus

Methods of cooking :
1. All ingredients are handled cleanly and prepared.
2. Put the milk vetch into the hemp cloth bag.
3. The prepared ingredients are put into the inner pot, and water is poured.
4. It is closed with the inner lid, and the body and the pressure lid is joined.
5. Choose the menu <nutritional porridge> and press the <start> button.

Noter !
* The raw rice and beans do not need to be soaked into water and are put into with all the other ingredients.
* Depending on the symbols, salt or sugar can be added.
* The pleuropterus multflorus is cut into small slices and can be taken right away.

Tip :
The black soybeans are good for the spleen and kidneys, and has efficacy on dropsy, beriberi, and especially on edema due to jaundice. It is good for children with weak kidneys, good for ringing in the ears, lumbago, Sanhupung, nightly sweats, cold sweating, and leucorrhea. It also discharges food poisoning and drug intoxication, and is efficient to wounds.
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Sansa (Hawthorn) Beef Stew

Sansa (Hawthorn) Beef Stew

It has effect to protect stomach and strengthen muscles and bones. So it is good for weak persons, patients suffered for a long time, undernourished persons and people who are lack of energy.

Materials(for 4 people) | food ingredients : 35.3oz of Beef, 1 Carrot, 2 Stems of Celery, 2 Potatoes, 7.05oz of Demi-Glace Sauce, 1 big spoon of Oyster Sauce
Medicinal ingredients : 0.35oz of Hawthorn, 10 Jujubes, 1.06oz of longan meat

Methods of cooking :
1. Cut meats and vegetables to the size good to eat.
2. Put all the ingredients into the inner pot.
3. Put water of 600ml into the heating plate and combine the inner pot and the outer lid.
4. Choose <Nutritional Stew> in the menu, and start the <start> button.
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